My partner Diane Meyers posted recently on the approval of the Keystone XL EIS, and that led me to thinking about the implications of this document with respect to the Pacific Northwest. The Keystone XL EIS may be an important precedent for energy projects in the Pacific Northwest, notably the efforts to export coal from
Why Don’t the New SEPA Rules the Department of Ecology Recently Issued for Comment Include Amendments to the GMA/SEPA Integration Rules?
The 2012 Legislature directed the Department of Ecology (DOE) to update the SEPA rules, to increase the exemptions from SEPA analysis, and to modernize the exemptions, recognizing the extensive changes in the substantive regulations that have occurred since the rules were last amended. 2012 S.S.B. 6406. The Legislature gave DOE until December 31, 2012 to…
Washington Sea Grant Releases Final Report to the Washington State Legislature on Geoduck Aquaculture Research
Last week, Washington Sea Grant (“WSG”), the research institution based at the University of Washington tasked with funding marine research and coordinating outreach and education related to sustainable use of marine resources, released its final report to the state legislature regarding research conducted on geoduck aquaculture and impacts to the environment. For those of…
Recent Developments in Acoustic Telemetry Studies of Salmonid Migration–Geeky Science Stuff Friday
I’ve read a couple fascinating studies applying acoustic telemetry to salmonid migration here in the Pacific Northwest, and thought those would be good to share for a Friday morning link dump:
First, and filed under geeky science stuff, ecologists from the Department of Energy’s Pacific Northwest National Laboratory have published a paper detailing their…